Glory Alliance Christian Home Educators Glory Alliance Christian Home Educators Glory Alliance Christian Home Educators Glory Alliance Christian Home Educators Glory Alliance Christian Home Educators Glory Alliance Christian Home Educators

Glory Alliance Spring Ball 2025

Date – Time

Friday – 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Garden Ridge Community Center
9400 Municipal Pkwy
San Antonio, TX 78266 US

Additional Information

April 25th

Garden Ridge Community Center

The waiver is considered complete with purchase of ticket.

No outside food or beverages will be allowed. Snacks will be provided.
No alcohol, tobacco, vapers, drugs or weapons will be allowed. Chaperones reserve the right to search purses or pockets. Violators will be escorted out and will not receive a refund.
This is a come and stay event. Attendees will not be permitted to leave and return. If an attendee must leave the facility for any reason, they will be accompanied by a chaperone.?
No one will be allowed to enter the facility after 8:30 p.m.
Please remember that this is a GACHE sponsored event. Dancing, Attire and Behavior must be appropriate per our policies.
GACHE Members will Chaperone the Ball.
Waiver of Liability

This agreement releases GACHE and the Glory Gotham City Nights Mayor's Ball 2025 team from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during the dance. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold GACHE and the Glory Gotham City Nights Mayor's Ball 2025 team entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in dancing and eating light snacks. These include but are not limited to hurt feelings, twisted ankles, slips and falls, choking. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.
I understand that while my student is having a wonderful time at this event, there may be a photographer capturing these breathtaking moments on camera. I give GACHE permission and authorization for these digital memories to be taken and understand that all the images may be used by GACHE for promotion of future events. If we have a professional photographer present, said photographer will retain rights to their photographs unless otherwise stated.  
By continuing with the purchase of ticket(s) I forfeit all right to bring a suit against GACHE and the Glory Gotham City Nights Mayor's Ball 2025 team for any reason. In return, I will receive entrance to the event and a night of dancing with some pretty amazing people. I will also obey any safety precautions as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed. I further acknowledge that if I bring alcohol, vape cigs or supplies, tobacco, drugs or weapons, I will be escorted out & not receive a refund. In addition, I agree to the following: no inappropriate language, behavior, dancing, or PDA. If chaperones notice the above from me, I will be given one warning. If the behavior persists, I will be escorted out of

the dance, and my parents will be notified, and I will not receive a refund.

*****Dress code is semi-formal/formal attire. We are a Christian Homeschool group, modesty is expected.*****  

Young ladies: Dress length must be at the top of the knee, slits no higher than mid thigh, two piece outfits may not expose the midriff, no extremely low backs, and no cleavage. Strapless, sleeveless, backless are all acceptable as long as the above rules are followed.

Gentlemen: Dress slacks and shirts are expected. Ties, vests, dress coats, sports jackets, are all acceptable items to complete the look.

***Attendees must be 13 by January 1st to attend Spring Semester Teen activities, including this dance***

***Atendees must be under the age of 20 to sign-up for a student ticket***

I fully understand and agree to the above terms.

Registration is not complete until payment is received.  Payment is due at time of sign-up.  If you are having problems please email [email protected]  Thank you!


Cancel an Existing Signup

Email the Event Coordinator – [email protected]